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Work is progressing down at Canterbury Cathedral working alongside our client Buxton

photo 1 - The precinct is being upgraded with a reinforced concrete roadway finished with new York stone setts and flag stones. Public and business access has to be maintained at all times.

This detail shows the non- slip road plates at the new surface/ old surface interface.

photo 2 - We are working closely alongside the Cathedral Archaeology Team in all areas – either under a watching brief, or by handing over areas to the Archaeology Team.

photo 3 - Public and business access to be maintained at all times.

photo 4 - Paving to the south-west entrance. A combination of setts and flags.

photo 5 - All finished areas are in immediate use, by the public and contractors alike.

photo 6 - West front: Reinforced Concrete slab sub- base, under the final wearing course of yorkstone paving.

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