Client: Lakehouse
Sector: Public - School
Duration: 30 wks
Value: £800K
Following demolition works, LF were contracted to form the piling mat and attend the precast driven piling works. Precast floor planks, carried by blockwork, were founded on RC ground beams.
The works also consisted of new drainage and services networks, with the foul water connection carried out under a road closure at the front of the site. A sustainable drainage system (SUDS) was used for the rainwater run-off into soakaways, with all hardscaping materials being porous, including the multi-use games area (MUGA) to the rear of the site.
The externals and hard landscaping, inclusive of granite kerbs and edgings, Yorkstone paving, porous resin bound gravel, and porous tarmac together with all associated PC retaining walls, line marking and street furniture throughout.